Due to digitalisation and globalisation, the world of work is currently undergoing massive change. The new framework conditions pose great challenges for companies and employees in many areas. A negative side effect of the working world 4.0 is that stress and pressure are increasing due to the many changes. The result is an increase in mental illness, which is now one of the most common causes of absenteeism.
Mental illnesses cause high costs. This is a difficult situation for companies, because those affected are unable to work for more than 40 days on average. Those who suffer are the team left behind, the managers and of course the sick employee himself. Also the financial implications are enormous: According to calculations by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA), the direct costs of mental illness among employees will be around 32 billion euros annually by 2030.

Managers can take countermeasures. So what can those responsible in companies do to prevent mental illness and long absences from work from occurring in the first place? What is the appropriate way to deal with affected colleagues? And how can people successfully return to work after a long period of incapacity?
Great benefits through conversation training. Our seminar "Mental Illness in the World of Work 4.0" deals with these important questions. Our advisors give the participating managers, works councillors and personnel officers the tools they need to develop an appropriate and clear procedure for the often complex individual cases. Interview training plays an important role in this. The benefit for the companies is great, because the way they deal with those affected has a decisive influence on the further development of their work and performance.
Do you still have questions?
You need support in conducting conversations in the context of mental illness and still have questions.
Talk to us.