
Works council work II

Works council members face major challenges. Within a short period of time, they have to familiarise themselves with many complex topics and, above all, with the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG). In order to acquire this basic knowledge, it generally makes sense for employee representatives to attend seminars on the basics of works council work. For newcomers in particular, these training courses are a great help for a successful start to committee work. 

In this seminar you will learn the basics of works council work. You will learn about the topics of the rights and duties of the works council, co-determination in different areas, cooperation with the employer and trade unions, as well as organisation and communication in the works council.

Deepening in the seminar Works Council Work II. Following the basic seminar Works Council Work I baut das Seminar Betriebsratsarbeit II auf die bereits erlebte erste Praxis auf. Die Arbeitnehmervertreter*innen belegen dieses möglichst einige Monate nach Beginn ihrer Tätigkeit  und vertiefen ihre Kenntnisse. Wichtige Punkte sind dabei die diversen Möglichkeiten der Mitbestimmung nach § 87 BetrVG. Zudem wird das Führen von Verhandlungen mit dem Arbeitgeber thematisiert. Weitere Themenfelder bilden den Abschluss und die Wirkungsweise von Betriebsvereinbarungen und Regelungsabreden.

Labour law for employee representatives.

Another important subject area for works council members is labour law, the content of which is spread across various laws. Basic knowledge of the current case law of the Federal Labour Court (BAG) is often indispensable. GS Consult offers the seminars Labour Law for Works Councils I and II. All seminars fulfil the criteria of § 37 (6) BetrVG.

Do you still have questions?

The seminar is aimed at all works council members who are new to their role or would like to refresh their knowledge.

The seminar fulfils the criteria of § 37 (6) BetrVG.

All events can also be booked as in-house seminars.